Friday, October 21, 2011

House Log #1

We like pretty much what everyone else likes. We like comfy, clean, antiqued, industrial, functional, simple, logical, muted, colorful, messy. With all those things contradicting each other, its just 'eclectic' and i refuse to conform to any one particular idea of things. We are very open-minded and we like to think we're pretty practical when it comes to our budget and choosing finishes and the like. We don't need to dump thousands of dollars into a house (although it would be nice to have that luxury) we just need what makes us function and what makes us comfortable. We want to make sure each space we create is completely necessary, has a function(s), and is utilized in our everyday life, anything outside that just isn't part of the plan. 
So, here we go, below is the beginning of websites full of ideas, details, examples, products, everything that may go through our heads. But this is just my first log of things to come with this house so stay tuned, it'll get interesting :)

Projects that inspire AND rip ideas from:

So here is a home we love and are taking bits and pieces from. We are doing Standing Seam from roof to siding so this project was great to study. 
{click to see} ----> Chikuzen House

Also, an absolute favorite Blog to flow, which can be right up both our allies is ...
{click to see} ----> My Scandinavian Retreat

Here's a Barn Home done by Rick Joy which has some great ideas for making clean details. Just overall love this project!
{click to see} ----> Rick Joy - Barn, Baby, Barn

This project in particular, i love. Its industrial, aged, clean, modern. There are so many i love on this blog, definitely check it out!
{click to see} ----> Handmade Home

Random Ideas of must-have in our home:
Here are some awesome Pendants from Anthropologie. 
They are actually going down the main entry corridor area. 

 And of course, we have edison bulbs to 'super cool' in these pendants. 
I'm actually so thrilled BECAUSE this is our first item purchased towards our home, haha. 
Seriously we have their placements picked out and these bad babies are going in, No matter what, now :)

 My husband has me hooked on this hanging armchair swing. I think its almost a must have or at least something similar.
We have a giant pecan tree right smack in the middle of the backyard ... its destiny :)

This is a picture of the tile and lighting that will maybe be used in the kitchen. I think we'll put the lights mounted to the ceiling with exposed bulbs but maybe use chrome dipped light bulbs. Just and idea, but we'll see. 

This is Mission Tile. Who doesn't want mission tile in their home. I don't know if its in the budget but, oh, to have happy floors, life would be so grand.

So this is just a tid bit just to get me started with our 'eccentric masterpiece' haha
Hope you enjoy! 

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